Hamilton Kerala Samajam was registered as an incorporated society on 1st February 2006 realising the dream and aspiration of Malayalees settled in Hamilton for several years to form an organisation to preserve and promote our cultural identity. It is the first democratically formed Malayalee organisation in Hamilton. Since that time, Samajam has worked consistently to support members and Malayalees in Hamilton and has a strong history of quality program delivery and of encouraging innovation and creative cultural expression in traditional arts and sports. Samajam is also a registered charity under Charities Commission of New Zealand.
Hamilton Kerala Samajam Inc. is a not for profit charitable incorporated society of people of Kerala ancestry, known as Malayalees, living in Hamilton, New Zealand. The overarching purpose of the Samajam is community development in Hamilton by promoting cultural, educational and social activities of Malayalees.
Malayalees cherish their social, cultural and religious inheritance and celebrate their inherited values as different festivals like Vishu, Easter, Onam, Christmas etc.